Inside BRICS’ efforts to burn less money

Welcome to TechCrunch Fintech (formerly The Interchange)! In this edition, I'll be

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BRICS to abolish US dollar financial system in 2024

BRICS countries continue their de-dollarization mission at a rapid pace to eliminate

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The BRICS countries will dispose of $123 billion in US Treasury bonds in 2023

A handful of BRICS countries are cutting ties with the US Treasury

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Today’s Tweets on Personal Finance, Vacations, BRICS, Credits, Student Loans – MishTalk

It's a slow news weekend, so let's discuss some interesting tweets on

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BRICS: 6 more countries join.Argentina, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and Egypt participate

BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa: 6 more members. New

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BRICS vs. G7: China pushes BRICS expansion to become G7 geopolitical rival

At the next BRICS Summit, there will be a great focus on

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