Tag: captures

Mars rover Odyssey completes 100,000th orbit, captures spectacular view of solar system’s largest volcano

NASA's Mars rover Odyssey, the longest running mission on Mars, completed its

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NASA’s Mars Rover Odyssey captures massive volcano as it nears 100,000th orbit

This infographic highlights how much data and imagery NASA's 2001 Mars rover

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Astroscale’s space junk inspection satellite captures a close-up of a discarded rocket pad

Star scale A space junk monitoring satellite moved within striking distance of

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NASA’s Chandra X-ray captures closest ‘super’ star cluster to Earth

New Delhi: Westerlund 1The largest and most massive "super" star cluster closest

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NASA’s Perseverance rover captures 360-degree view of Mars’ Jezero Crater (video)

December 12, 2023, NASA Perseverance Spacecraft reaches milestone — 1,000 Martian days,

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NASA’s Curiosity rover captures a day on Mars from dawn to dusk

NASA's Curiosity rover captured two time-lapse videos on Mars, showing the planet's

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James Webb Space Telescope captures stunning new images of Uranus

Uranus is not the first planet that comes to mind when astronomers

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“First Light” – NASA’s Atmospheric Waves Experiment Captures First Image of the Mesosphere

An artist impression of AWE mapping the properties of global mesosphere gravitational

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First 360-degree camera in space captures stunning images of Earth

technology by Allie Griffin issued November 30, 2023, 2:59 a.m. ET The

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Orion spacecraft captures stunning photos of Earth and the moon • Earth.com

An extraordinary feat of engineering and international cooperation resulted in the Orion

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NASA’s Hubble telescope captures the breathtaking Sombrero galaxy more than 28 million light-years away

The diameter of a spiral galaxy is 50,000 light years.The National Aeronautics

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NASA spacecraft flies through solar explosion and captures footage

A well-hardened NASA spacecraft flies through and survives a massive explosion from

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