Tag: diets

6 flexitarian recipes for different diets

Having grown up as a vegetarian in a meat-eating household and eventually

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A nutritionist will introduce you to diets that actually work and diets you should definitely avoid.

As many of us prepare to write our New Year's resolutions, a

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Study finds that meat-based, low-carbohydrate diets may increase weight gain over time

CNN — Subscribe to CNN's "Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style." Our 8-part

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Not all plant-based diets can help fight diabetes and weight gain, says study

Subscribe to CNN's "Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style." Our 8-part guide introduces

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Low-salt diets work like drugs that lower blood pressure: study

When hypertension is a fatal diagnosisIn a country plagued by high blood

4 Min Read

Low-carb diets work, but not for the reasons people think

comment on this storycommentNext time you feel like starting a fight, mention

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