Tag: discovered

Is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot a fake? Giant storm may not be the original one discovered 350 years ago

1665, Italian astronomer Giovanni Cassini Observed a huge black spot JupiterHe named

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Oldest human face discovered after 300,000 years

The face of our earliest known ancestor has been reconstructed (Photo: Cicero

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Sci-fi horror bug discovered on the International Space Station

In addition to superbugs, the ISS is home to a variety of

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Lost ancient city famous for pearls may have been discovered

Archaeologists may have finally identified an ancient lost city famous for its

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New magnetism discovered by scientists

However, new breakthroughs in magnetism open new doors for the study of

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Watch newly discovered asteroid fly between Earth and Moon on January 27th (Video)

Update for January 28th: Astronomer Gianluca Masi was able to capture interesting

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Small asteroid discovered on a near collision course with Earth

The Scout System's prediction of asteroid 2024 BX1's impact on Germany highlights

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Centuries-old letters from Japanese samurai Date Masamune discovered in western Japan

Yamagata: A Japanese university professor announced on January 11 that a new

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Large amounts of ice discovered near Mars’ equator

Mars is thought to have frozen water deep beneath its equator, and

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Newly discovered object is on the brink of two extreme possibilities

Astronomy is full of mysterious objects, but an international research team has

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Earth-sized planet discovered in ‘our solar backyard’

Researchers have identified HD 63433d, an Earth-sized planet that is closer and

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Strange dust-covered rocks discovered on the moon

Scientists scrutinizing the fine dust covering the moon have identified several rocks

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