Tag: Discovery

How Indian spacecraft’s discovery of sulfur in lunar soil could pave the way for future lunar bases

Chandrayaan-3's Prayan spacecraft traveled 328 feet. (100 meters) and measured the chemical

8 Min Read

Surprising jellyfish discovery challenges what we know about learning and memory

Jan Bielecki Researchers who have been studying Caribbean box jellyfish for years

6 Min Read

Surprising discovery reveals why you don’t have your father’s mitochondria: ScienceAlert

Virtually every animal on Earth can thank its mother for the energy

4 Min Read

Case of exhausted patient prompts discovery that could help treat long-term coronavirus infections

comment on this storycommentAmanda Tunnum's decades-long journey to understanding fatigue began with

11 Min Read

Discovery of a “paradigm shift” – researchers challenge fundamental principles of molecular neuroscience

Scientists have discovered that learning and memory depend on the structural rather

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New exoplanet discovery challenges established astronomical theories

Astronomers have discovered a unique Jupiter-sized planet named TOI-4860 b orbiting a

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New Discovery Rewrites the Story of the ‘Neolithic Revolution’ – SciTechDaily

New Discovery Rewrites the Story of the 'Neolithic Revolution'  Cytec Daily

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