Tag: Earth.com

3-Month-Old French Bulldog Puppy Regenerates Jaw Naturally • Earth.com

In an unprecedented medical incident, a French bulldog puppy named Tyson experienced

131 Min Read

Hubble discovers water-rich planet with steamy atmosphere • Earth.com

The quest to find life on extraterrestrial planets is intrinsically linked to

123 Min Read

New camera takes photos using the same colors animals see • Earth.com

New camera system technology is set to transform the way ecologists and

9 Min Read

Mars has a huge reservoir that could fill Earth’s Red Sea • Earth.com

More than a decade and a half ago, Mars Express embarked on

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Plants ‘talking’ to each other captured on video for the first time • Earth.com

A team of Japanese researchers has made a breakthrough in the field

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Radio interference caused by spectacular aurora and solar storm today • Earth.com

Earth is currently experiencing a series of solar storms, raising concerns about

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Discovery of water molecules forces textbooks to be rewritten • Earth.com

In a notable change from conventional knowledge, recent research by researchers around

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Eating less has been proven to dramatically extend your lifespan • Earth.com

scientists of back laboratory They have made breakthrough discoveries in the areas

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Unknown creature’s ‘fossilized skin’ dates back 286 million years • Earth.com

In a surprising discovery, researchers unearthed a 3D fragment of fossilized skin

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Screen time directly linked to childhood autism, anxiety, and ADHD • Earth.com

According to recent research, drexel university reveals surprising new insights into the

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Discovery of quantum entanglement is a revolutionary step forward • Earth.com

A team of researchers from the Structured Light Institute University of the

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The cause of long-term fatigue in patients infected with the new coronavirus is finally identified • Earth.com

researchers Amsterdam University Medical Center We have made important discoveries regarding the

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