Tag: euros

Children cost Portuguese families 10,000 euros per year

The statistics office notes that “the results indicate that, taking into account

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The Chinese invest two billion euros in a factory in Portugal

According to Jornal Economico, the unit expects to invest 2,060 million euros

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The income of the “middle class” in Portugal is 688 euros per month

The socio-economic panorama of Portugal is revealed through data provided by the

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The treasury surplus fell to 1.2 billion euros from 5 billion euros

The treasury recorded a surplus of 1.2 billion euros in 2023, according

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FirstFT: The euro’s steady decline reflects the growing gap with the US economy

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Fairphone 5 gets 8 years of updates for 699 euros

Fairphone is one of Android's most repairable and longest-supported smartphones, and with

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