Tag: Image

Opera adds AI-powered image creation and better multimedia controls

Opera said today it is launching the second version of Opera One

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Snap previews an image model in real time that can create augmented reality experiences

At the Augmented World Expo on Tuesday, Snap teased an early version

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Japan’s lunar lander SLIM photographed on the moon (image)

Japan has a spectacular new photo to add to its space exploration

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The mystery has been solved!First close-up image of giant star explains its strange dimming

Yet another star in our universe has been discovered behaving strangely.Astronomers on

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Cost of living crisis: Image of eggs and toast from a café in Australia sparks outrage

The exorbitant cost of a double brunch at a Western Australian cafe

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First AI image extracted from the human brain revealed

Douglas Helm issued 21 seconds ago A group of Japanese researchers has

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New Webb Telescope image shows Uranus bright and ringed

Yes, that's Uranus. A huge ice sphere Agate dinosaur egg than the

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“First Light” – NASA’s Atmospheric Waves Experiment Captures First Image of the Mesosphere

An artist impression of AWE mapping the properties of global mesosphere gravitational

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First image and solar surprise

NASA's Psyche spacecraft, which launched on October 13, has successfully performed space

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NASA’s Psyche spacecraft discovers ‘first light’ while zooming into metal asteroid (image)

Dec. 4 was a momentous day for NASA's Psyche spacecraft, as it

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250-mile-altitude view of Mars offers a glimpse of the mysteries lurking in orbit above the Red Planet (image)

A rare view of Mars' horizon comes courtesy of NASA's Odyssey orbiter,

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James Webb Space Telescope monitors newborn stars in their cosmic cribs (image)

Astronomers used the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to observe a bright

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