Tag: Mars

NASA loses contact with Ingenuity Mars helicopter

NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter loses communications.Ingenuity's pilots lost contact with the 4-pound

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Mars reveals strange polygonal structure beneath the surface

Written by Jeffrey Rappaport | issued 5 minutes ago Images from the

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NASA’s Perseverance rover captures 360-degree view of Mars’ Jezero Crater (video)

December 12, 2023, NASA Perseverance Spacecraft reaches milestone — 1,000 Martian days,

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Lessons in ingenuity built into Mars sample return

WASHINGTON — As the Mars helicopter continues to operate far beyond expectations,

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NASA’s Curiosity rover captures a day on Mars from dawn to dusk

NASA's Curiosity rover captured two time-lapse videos on Mars, showing the planet's

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NASA’s Curiosity rover photographs Mars from dawn to dusk during downtime (video)

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity had some downtime in November. But instead of

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First-ever photo of Mars in ‘true color’ • Earth.com

Twenty years ago, the European Space Agency's Mars Express embarked on a

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NASA’s Mars debris raises concerns about space exploration methods

Last year, NASA's Ingenuity helicopter, which currently spends its days flying over

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NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Rover has captured images of something strange etched into the Martian landscape.

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter recently captured images of a series of strange-looking

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Radar reveals signs of much more recent volcanic activity on Mars than expected: ScienceAlert

It's time to put to bed the idea of ​​a cold, lifeless

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