Tag: memories

How trauma affects memory: Memories become more vivid after negative events

summary: New research reveals a unique aspect of human memory. That is,

11 Min Read

Old recipes bring back fond memories – Our Community

west end Before the Internet changed everything, newspaper clippings, faded recipe cards,

3 Min Read

Girlfriend of murdered Brooklyn activist shares memories and grief about X

Metro by Georgia Worrell issued December 30, 2023, 10:46 a.m. ET A

5 Min Read

Delicious Christmas memories and simple recipes | Cooking Corner

Christmas was a time to celebrate and enjoy great non-vegetarian food at

3 Min Read

How the brain stores memories and information • Earth.com

In a recent study led by Dr. Thomas Ryan, trinity college dublin

4 Min Read

First discovery that bacteria store and pass on memories across generations: ScienceAlert

Single-celled organisms without brains or nervous systems can form memories and pass

5 Min Read

Touching memories: Fingertips evoke the power of the past

summary: Researchers have investigated how mechanical memory of previous fingertip forces influences

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