Tag: Men

It may sound cruel, but this is why men need to love women more in a relationship. “If you don’t, you’ll be miserable.”

Written by Shania O'Brien, Daily Mail Australia release date: November 7, 2023

3 Min Read

Men share common challenges they face in the dating world, and it’s safe to say that dating in 2023 will be tough

Dating in 2023 isn't easy! Dating apps can be difficult to navigate,

7 Min Read

The most frustrating problems men face in modern dating

12. “Before I quit the app, the general reason I was most

1 Min Read

Explaining how women purposely surprise men so they don’t want a second date

In the modern dating world, fun first dates are rare. Between meeting

6 Min Read

Mary Beard: Why men are obsessed with the Roman Empire

Mary Beard: Why men are obsessed with the Roman Empire | Mary

0 Min Read

12 men who are obsessed with marriage and 12 men who have never been married

12 men who are obsessed with marriage and 12 men who have

5 Min Read

The men take one look at me and run for the hills.

How to Do It is Slate's sex advice column. I have a

14 Min Read

Analysis reveals why being a grandparent is good for the brain and makes both men and women more active

Experts from Johannes Gutenberg University conducted an analysis of 14,810 people Results

4 Min Read

17 reasons why women chase men

7. "Before I met my boyfriend on a dating site, one of

2 Min Read

15 Men Who Cheating With Other Men’s Girlfriends

1. "I once fucked a girl whose boyfriend was a complete asshole

2 Min Read