Tag: planet

This distant planet has a comet-like tail 350,000 miles long

Humanity has monitored more than 5,500 worlds orbiting other stars, some of

5 Min Read

How three iron rings could redefine planet formation

Observations by the European Southern Observatory's (ESO) Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI)

13 Min Read

Does the featured planet actually exist?

Written by Robert Scucci | issued 11 seconds ago If you've ever

4 Min Read

AI reveals the secret of oxygen production on the Red Planet

Recent breakthroughs in using robotic AI chemists to synthesize oxygen on Mars

6 Min Read

‘Unusually huge’ – astronomers discover planet that shouldn’t exist

Researchers at Penn State University have discovered an unusually massive planet orbiting

11 Min Read

250-mile-altitude view of Mars offers a glimpse of the mysteries lurking in orbit above the Red Planet (image)

A rare view of Mars' horizon comes courtesy of NASA's Odyssey orbiter,

10 Min Read

Uncover the secrets of Rocky Planet in Cosmic Extreme

Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope observed water and molecules essential

8 Min Read

A mysterious giant planet orbiting a small star is discovered

pennsylvania state university The artist's illustration depicts a potential view of a

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Tonga eruption and its impact on the planet

Rochester, New York — On January 14, 2022, a giant underwater volcano

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18 love tips from the happiest couples on the planet

When it comes to relationships, many of us are constantly searching for

11 Min Read

Earth-sized planet discovered, can it support life?

LTT 1445 Ac has a mass 1.37 times that of Earth and

1 Min Read