Tag: Portugal

The Chinese invest two billion euros in a factory in Portugal

According to Jornal Economico, the unit expects to invest 2,060 million euros

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The income of the “middle class” in Portugal is 688 euros per month

The socio-economic panorama of Portugal is revealed through data provided by the

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Portugal used as a ‘test market’

During the first nine months of last year, direct investment from Brazil

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30% of income is spent on food in Portugal

Food Benchmark 2023, a study launched annually within the scope of the

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Price rises 2024 – What will be more expensive in Portugal?

nm We've compiled a list of some of the confirmed price increases,

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The European Commission warns of “overpriced” real estate in Portugal

After the strong rise in house prices over the past year, 2023

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Portuguese people save less – Portugal News

Additionally, "four out of 10 respondents are unable to save even 5%

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Portugal branded an ‘economic miracle’

according to espresso American economist Paul Krugman, who won the Nobel Prize

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Brussels asks Portugal to reduce energy subsidies “as quickly as possible”

Portugal did not comply with the European Commission’s recommendations to reduce subsidies

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Renegotiating 100,000 housing loans – Portugal News

Geral de Depositos FundThe last large bank to submit its accounts said

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Web Summit Transport Pass – Portugal News

The pass can be purchased online until Friday and costs €9.50 for

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Exceptional rental support – Portugal News

In Cabinet on October 26, the government decided not to impose rent

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