Tag: ScienceAlert

Two of the world’s most advanced telescopes remain closed after cyber attack: ScienceAlert

Weeks after a cybersecurity incident was discovered by researchers at the US

3 Min Read

Scientists design colorful new paint that could cut electricity bills : ScienceAlert

Scientists at Stanford University have designed a new paint that can help

4 Min Read

Neptune’s mysterious dark vortex observed from Earth for the first time : ScienceAlert

Since Voyager 2 passed Neptune in 1989the giant black smudge that appears

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US unveils definitive new standard for nothing: ScienceAlert

If the magician says "nothing", look for cards or bunnies lurking behind

4 Min Read

Physicists identify strange new form of superconductivity : ScienceAlert

Superconductivity is expected to transform everything from power grids to personal electronics.

3 Min Read

A trillionth-of-a-second camera captures chaotic motion : ScienceAlert

To take a picture, the best digital cameras on the market open

5 Min Read

Scientists identify hidden patterns of consciousness in the brains of coma patients : ScienceAlert

Scientists have used advanced imaging techniques to identify brain activity and regions

3 Min Read

New Horizons can now measure the true darkness of the universe far away: ScienceAlert

How dark is the night sky?If you go outside on a moonless

5 Min Read

Our plight may be completely unprecedented: ScienceAlert

Since 2006, the amount of methane that traps heat in the Earth's

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