Tag: ScienceAlert

Long COVID risk factors finally revealed: ScienceAlert

For many people, SARS-CoV-2 causes unpleasant symptoms like aches, coughs and fatigue

3 Min Read

Parkinson’s disease discovery suggests FDA-approved treatment may already exist: ScienceAlert

The researchers discovered that a cell surface protein called Aplp1 plays a

5 Min Read

Scientists claim that space debris that killed mammoths is buried deep: ScienceAlert

For hundreds of thousands of years, mammoths thrived on Earth, roaming majestically

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Study finds one type of COVID mask ‘significantly better’ than others: ScienceAlert

Given that COVID-19 is not gone yet and we want to be

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Huge energy imbalance detected on Saturn: ScienceAlert

Will Saturn's shenanigans ever end? Scientists have discovered that the ringed planet

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Cheese may boost happiness and healthy aging, study suggests: ScienceAlert

There's a reason people smile when you say "cheese."A large-scale genetic analysis

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World’s oldest burial site not made by humans: ScienceAlert

South African paleontologists say they have discovered the world's oldest burial site

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Once-in-a-lifetime event visible to the naked eye: ScienceAlert

You may see it lighting up the northern sky in the coming

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Brain scans identify six different types of depression and anxiety : ScienceAlert

In the future, treating depression may involve simple brain scans to identify

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Scientists explain how heavy a particle of light would be: ScienceAlert

There is now a new upper limit on the mass of light.Measurements

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Scientists may finally have figured out where paranoia lives in the brain: ScienceAlert

Though often dismissed as irrational or over-inflated concerns, delusions stem from a

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Neanderthal DNA is present in humans, but part of the mystery is missing: ScienceAlert

Neanderthals, modern humans' closest relatives, lived in parts of Europe and Asia

8 Min Read