Tag: Scientists

Scientists have created a model of a human embryo that has neither sperm nor eggs

Scientists have constructed the model embryo pictured here. The outer ring is

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Scientists discover secret planet hidden in solar system

Our solar system has eight planets, plus poor Pluto demoted in 2006,

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Scientists discover essential amino acids for life in interstellar space

Using data from the Spitzer Space Observatory, researchers found evidence of the

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Scientists develop energy source that will allow astronauts to live on the moon

A small nuclear fuel cell known as Trisofuel is currently being testedThe

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Chinese scientists may have reinvented the toilet bowl

Scientists at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China, have

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Scientists reveal secret role of urea in the origin of life

Researchers have developed a new way to observe chemical reactions in liquids,

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Our big brains have shrunk. Scientists may know why.

listen to article(2 minutes)The development of a larger brain has long been

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Scientists discover a simple way to make the popular emergency contraceptive more effective

A recent study found that piroxicam taken with levonorgestrel emergency contraception was

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‘People have to be careful’ – Scientists debunk psychedelic cannabinoid claims

Despite growing popularity and growing claims of psychedelic effects similar to LSD

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Uncovering the mysterious world of molecules – scientists confirm decades-old theory

Scientists have confirmed a decades-old theory about the uneven distribution of electron

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Scientists crack the code for a near-perfect sugar substitute

Researchers have found that blending mineral salts makes non-caloric sweeteners taste more

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Missing link in cognitive processing? Scientists discover spirals in the brain

Scientists have discovered that human brain signals form spirals in the outer

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