Tag: Signal

Speech patterns may signal future Alzheimer’s disease: ScienceAlert

We still don't know exactly what causes Alzheimer's, but we do know

4 Min Read

Recession outlook: Consumer spending habits signal a hard landing

Down icon An icon in the shape of a downward angle. So

5 Min Read

Stop playing unsafe online games, Signal chief warns EU lawmakers

A controversial EU legislative proposal to scan citizens' private messages in an

7 Min Read

China Airlines passenger plane bound for Hong Kong makes a U-turn, issues an emergency signal and returns to Taipei Airport

A China Airlines passenger plane bound for Hong Kong reportedly declared a

2 Min Read

Radio signal detected in ancient star cluster

💡What you need to know: The signal originates from the center

4 Min Read

NASA detects mysterious ‘unexpected’ signal coming from outside the galaxy: ScienceAlert

NASA astronomers have discovered an unexpected "signal" coming from outside our galaxy

3 Min Read

A never-before-seen radio signal is discovered beyond the galaxy

The study, led by Sophia Shaikh of the SETI Institute in California,

1 Min Read

Mysterious deep space signal never seen before discovered beyond the Milky Way

A rare precursor to a supernova captured by the James Webb Space

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NASA receives signal from space 10 million miles away

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NASA receives signal from space 10 million miles away

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Signal details the costs of keeping its private messaging service alive

What is the price of privacy? It has rolled out end-to-end encrypted

6 Min Read

Secure messaging app Signal is one step closer to releasing usernames

Universal encrypted messaging app Signal is close to launching a long-awaited feature

4 Min Read