Tag: spot

Strange and unexpected structure discovered floating above Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

Jupiter's atmosphere is a fascinating, ever-changing environment. Bands of different colors, storms,

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Astronomers think they’ve figured out how and when Jupiter’s Red Spot formed

Expanding / A clear image of Jupiter's Great Red Spot taken by

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Is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot a fake? Giant storm may not be the original one discovered 350 years ago

In 1665, Italian astronomer Giovanni Cassini observed a huge dark spot on

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Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is the oldest vortex in the solar system

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Is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot a fake? Giant storm may not be the original one discovered 350 years ago

1665, Italian astronomer Giovanni Cassini Observed a huge black spot JupiterHe named

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Classical Astronomers Observe Another Great Red Spot on Jupiter

In 1665, astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini observed a massive storm raging on

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Hong Kong is the fifth most competitive economy in the world, and Singapore is jumping to the top spot

The management said the rating reflects the city's economic recovery last year,

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Factory production in China disappoints but retail sales are a bright spot By Reuters

BEIJING (Reuters) - China's industrial output in May lagged behind expectations and

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Chicago’s North Avenue Beach named best spot in Illinois for summer solstice sunrise – NBC Chicago

Some people celebrate the summer solstice, the longest day of the year,

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Has silver taken over the number one metal spot? Is brass out?Our thoughts are as follows

Now that I'm in my mid-30s, I'm finally experiencing the first round

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Spot Technologies, now valued at $2 million, will see its AI security technology enter Mexican Walmart stores

spot techniques, An El Salvador-based artificial intelligence startup has raised $2 million

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