Tag: Technica

NASA astronauts finally spend a full year in space – Ars Technica

Expanding / NASA astronaut Frank Rubio observes the behavior of free-floating water

5 Min Read

Study reveals for the first time that crows use statistical logic – Ars Technica

Even if I play a trick, imitate the way you speak, or

10 Min Read

Google shows off Pixel 8 and Pixel Watch 2 ahead of launch – Ars Technica

Google's official Pixel 8 Pro image. Pixel 8. That's all you get

5 Min Read

Google puts its user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome – Ars Technica

Expanding / Google's reputation isn't as good as it used to be.Aurich

5 Min Read

Non-gas giant has 73 times more mass than Earth, baffling discoverer – Ars Technica

Scientists have been working on models of planet formation since before exoplanets

8 Min Read

NASA InSight data shows Mars is spinning faster every year – Ars Technica

Expanding / InSight hardware self-portrait on the red planet.NASA/JPL-Caltech To say Mars

6 Min Read