Tag: theories

*Pending* Discovery of oldest shipwreck changes ancient trade theories

(News Nation) -- Oldest deep sea shipwreck discovered It changed the way

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New discoveries that cast doubt on existing theories

Astronomers have discovered a new way to analyze active black holes, revealing

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Where does consciousness begin? Debate is heating up over several influential theories: ScienceAlert

Science is difficult. The science of consciousness is particularly difficult, plagued by

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New research contradicts established theories of Earth’s crustal evolution

The research team has rejected common theories about the formation of Earth's

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Bungie Debunks Destiny 2 Conspiracy Theories Completely

image: bungeeIf you've read enough Reddit and Twitter posts over the past

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New exoplanet discovery challenges established astronomical theories

Astronomers have discovered a unique Jupiter-sized planet named TOI-4860 b orbiting a

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